Star Trek: Discovery – Under the Twin Moons – TV Review

TL;DR – We get our first goodbye, and our race forward continues.  

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Disclosure – I paid for the Paramount+ service that viewed this episode.

The USS Discovery-A next to the twin moons.

Star Trek: Discovery Review –

We know going into this season that there was not a plan to have this be the last when they were shooting and that extra filming needed to take place to tie things up. However, today, we get to see how, even without planning it, they have started the process of saying goodbye, and I think that was for the best.

So to set the scene, after Moll (Eve Harlow) and L’ak (Elias Toufexis) outsmarted the crew of the USS Discovery-A, there was a need to catch up before they stumbled across some technology that could put the galaxy at risk. Thankfully, Stamets (Anthony Rapp) was able to recover the data and discover that on the planet Lyrek, there are twin moons that cast a dual eclipse once every seven years, an excellent place to start looking. Once the Ship is free of dust, Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) is raked over the coals, and everyone gets ready to bid Saru (Doug Jones) goodbye. Now, we will be looking at the episode as a whole from here, so there will be some [SPOILERS] ahead. 

We have ourselves a good old fashioned treasure hunt. Image Credit: Paramount+.

Well, this was another delightful episode because most of the structure was wrapped around an away mission. Something we don’t always get on Discovery. This parred most of the action down to just Michael (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Saru, which was for the best, given this is goodbye for two friends who have gone through a lot. While I think this is less of a goodbye, it is more of a transition for Saru. This episode did feel a little bit like a ‘best of’ for the Kelpian. We even get the canon introduction of “action Saru”, which was a delight. Sonequa and Doug have such incredible chemistry with each other, and it was a delight that we spent so much time with them this week.  

While the focus was on Saru and Michael this week, I did like that everyone got a bit to do. Sure, it was an eye-roll of coincidence, but David Ajala plays the heck out of it. It was nice also to see Culber (Wilson Cruz) get to put on his counsellor hat, and give some actual good advice at that. I don’t think that anyone will be surprised where the Rayner storyline ended up this week. Indeed, it was heavily foreshadowed, but I still like the dynamic they are creating with Michael. What is interesting is how, for the second week in a row, we have gone into a deep dive into The Next Generation lore. Last week’s Red Directive had The Progenitors, and this week, it is the Promellians turn to shine in all their “temple with eye drones” glory. The set design/ effects for the temple area worked quite well and helped sell the episode.

Long dead Necropolises should not have glowing eyes. Image Credit: Paramount+.

In the end, do we recommend Star Trek: Discovery – Under the Twin Moons? Yes, we do. I am liking this treasure hunt that we are one, and I hope it can keep up its intensity to the end of the season. I am happy that we are starting the goodbyes now rather than rushing them.

By Brian MacNamara: You can follow Brian on Twitter Here, when he’s not chatting about Movies and TV, he’ll be talking about International Relations, or the Solar System.

Have you seen Star Trek Discovery yet?, let us know what you thought in the comments below, feel free to share this review on any of the social medias and you can follow us
Here. Check out all our past reviews and articles Here, and have a happy day.   

Credits –
All images were created by the cast, crew, and production companies of Star Trek Discovery
Directed by
– Doug Aarniokoski
Written by – Alan McElroy
Based offStar Trek created by Gene Roddenberry
Created by – Bryan Fuller & Alex Kurtzman  
Production/Distribution Companies – CBS Television Studios, Roddenberry Entertainment, Secret Hideout & Paramount+. 
Starring – Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp, Mary Wiseman, Wilson Cruz, Blu del Barrio, Callum Keith Rennie & David Ajala with Oded Fehr, Chelah Horsdal, Annabelle Wallis, Eve Harlow & Elias Toufexis and Leeu

2 thoughts on “Star Trek: Discovery – Under the Twin Moons – TV Review

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