The Artful Dodger: The Yankee Dodge – TV Review

TL;DR – This is a bloody introduction to a beloved character that promises a lot, but I am not yet wholly convinced.  

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Disclosure – I paid for the Disney+ service that viewed this series.

The Artful Dodger Review

For people of my time, this odd little TV show ran for one season but still echoed through time. Punching above its weight. Escape of the Artful Dodger had such an odd impact that I was surprised no one had taken a second bite at the apple until today. Let us then go back to 1800s Australia, stuck on the opposite side of the world from all, but at the heart of our story.

So to set the scene, it is a typical day in colonial Port Victory in what will become Australia. Hangings are common, life is cheap, and power is everywhere. Dr Jack Dawkins (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) is one of the few local doctors around; even rarer, he is competent at his job. However, he does like to gamble with people like Darius Craksworth (Tim Minchin), who is not afraid to cheat. Being in the hole for £26 and about to lose a hand is almost the worst thing to happen to him, but then a Norbert Fagin (David Thewlis) arrives. He should be dead, but here he stands, and he also knows that Dr Jack Dawkins used to be The Artful Dodger and is still technically an escaped convict. We will be looking at the episode as a whole from here, so there will be some [SPOILERS] ahead. 

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