Article – The 95th Academy Awards Picks

TL;DR – This is a list of not what we think will win in the 2023 Academy Awards but who we would give the awards to if we could.

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It is Oscars time again, and thanks to some well-timed leave, I get to watch them live this year. So here we will be going through all the nominees and picking which ones we would have chosen if we were a voting academy member.

I should preface this with the notice that we have not seen every film nominated, so we will only pick from those we have seen. We will only cover the categories where we have seen at least three nominees. Also, if you want to see our reviews for said films, you can click on the links to be taken to them. So without any further prattling on, here are the nominees.

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Article – Oscars 2020 Predictions

TL;DR – This is a list of not what we think will actually win in today’s 2020 Academy Awards, but who we would give the awards to if we could

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It is Oscars time again, and for the first time in a long time I can’t watch the ceremony live, but that does not mean I can’t enjoy the vicariously through the form of an article. So here we will be going through all the nominees and picking which ones we would have picked if we were a voting member of the academy.

Now, I should preface this with the notice that we have not seen every film nominated, so we will only be picking form those we have seen. To be fair, we will only be covering the categories where we have seen at least three of the nominees.  Also, if you would like to see our reviews for said films you can clink on the links to be taken to them. So with out any further prattling on here are the nominees.

Writing (Original Screenplay)


Knives Out
Marriage Story
Once upon a Time … in Hollywood

Parasite (Gisaengchung, 기생충). Image Credit: Madman Films.

I actually quite liked all the nominees in this category, even the films that didn’t quite grab me like Once in Hollywood and Marriage Story you could tell was still well written. However, I think one did just make it out on top and that has to be Bong Joon-ho & Han Jin-won exploration of class and wealth in modern South Korea.

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The 90th Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees Ranked from Best to Last

 The 90th Academy Awards is coming quickly and for the first time, I have seen all the films nominated for the Best Picture award. So today I will be ranking all the films in order from best to last (though to note, because this is the Academy Awards even last is an interesting film). Now, this won’t just be a ranking of 1-9, it will be ordered into categories where films will be listed alphabetically.

As well as that, this list is based on my own personal feelings as to which films connected with me or not, if you are looking for a list about whether or not they are likely to win this is probably not the list for you. If you are looking for that kind of list can I instead recommend Matt Neglia’s and the team’s Oscar Predictions over at Next Best Picture. So let us dive into 2017 which was a fantastic year for cinema, and let me know in the comments below how you would have ranked this year’s Best Picture nominees.

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