Explosions, Guns, and Punches, Oh My. The Best Action of 2023

A good action sequence is genuinely impressive to watch, as it can be as expansive as explosions crashing across the screen or more intimate, like a duel between two people. This gives the best action scenes such a range, and in 2023, we were given some unique spectacles.

For me, the best action scenes excel in every element, whether that be live actions, special effects, digital effects, or animation, and bring every facet to shine. It is also the category that looks at some of the department’s people don’t often fully understand, like stunt coordination or the 2nd unit.

2023 was the year of action. From personal punch-ups to climatic brawls, we got it all and more.

Our Highly Commended in 2023 are Bring Him To Me, Extraction 2, Godzilla Minus One,  Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant & The Killer

Our Best TV Action in 2023 are Ahsoka: Season 1, The Last of Us: Season 1, Letterkenny: Season 12, The Night Agent: Season 1 & Twisted Metal: Season 1

So, without further ado, these are the moments of action that awed us in 2023. Be warned that there may be slight spoilers for the films in question.

The Nominees Are –

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The Equalizer 3 – Movie Review

TL;DR – A solid conclusion to the trilogy that does not chart a new course but knows the waters it wants to stay in and revels in it.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.

Disclosure – I paid to watch this film.

fireworks explode behind a religious statue.

The Equalizer 3 Review

As I arrived a couple of hours early for the first The Creator session, I realised there was enough time to see another movie while I waited and scratch one of the current releases off my pile of shame. There were a couple of options until I saw The Equalizer 3. From memory, I liked The Equalizer 2, and I have often dreamed of living on the Italian coastline. But then I realised who the leading cast member was for this film and who it was for The Creator, and I knew that was a double bill that sold itself.

So to set the scene, a while after the events of 2, we find ourselves away from America and on the island of Sicily, Italy. An older man arrives with his grandson at a winery to discover all his henchmen are dead outside. Walking through the carnage down into the heart of it, we find one personal under guard. But that one person is Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), and a couple of guns will not stop him. Okay, a rifle to the back might. But when he is found by a kind a local carabiniere, Gio Bonucci (Eugenio Mastrandrea), after falling unconscious behind the wheel and saved from bleeding out by local doctor Enzo Arisio (Remo Girone). Robert takes a liking to the town and thinks this is where he could find some peace, and that was the wrong time for the mafia to try and muscle their way into the town.

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