My Bottom 10 Films of 2017

TL;DR – Not everything in 2017 was great, here are the cinematic missteps that happened along the way

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Countdown –

It’s the end of one year and the start of another and among the fireworks, booze, and celebrations there is one tradition that transcends all and that is the tradition of end of year lists and who would I be to buck this trend, even if I am a little late. So over the next two days, we will be seeing the best and worst that 2017 had to offer with regards to movies. Tomorrow we will have the all-important ‘Top Films of 2017’, also we have had Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of our Key Moments in cinema in 2017 over the last couple of days. However, today we start with the opposite, with the worst or most disappointing films of 2017.

Now before we start I just want to make a clarification on the criteria I used to categorise the following entries. The films on this list had to be films that I reviewed in 2017, now this means there may have been worse films out there but if something is clearly a train wreck then why subject yourself to it, so you can consider The Emoji Film and Fifty Shades Darker to be honorary members of this list and shout out to Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, for just missing the cut-off. Also just to be clear there will be spoilers here.

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Movie Review – Snatched

– It honestly feels like this movie was a waste of everyone’s time, including mine

Score – 1.5 out of 5 stars

Snatched. Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.


Sigh, what a disappointment, this movie had an interesting premise, the cast all had such potential, but what we got was a confused mess that does not know what kind of film it wanted to be. Now of course this first sentence probably would not fill you with confidence, and you’d be right, but when you have Goldie Hawn someone who can light up the screen no matter what film she is in and in her first movie since 2002 and you can’t make it work, well you have problems. So in today’s review we are going to break down the film and talk about what things did work and what didn’t, and one of those sections is probably going to be bigger than the other.

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